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Second Era: Information.

Hello Citizens of Dalaran and beyond. We are glad to finally present to you our Second Era’s idea. Its main goal is to provide once again the thrill to progress through the WoTLK content and jump directly into the action while keeping your characters’ hard work and efforts but without interfering wit...


Hallowed Be Thy Name, Happy Hallow's End!

When Witches go riding, and black cats are seen, the Headless Horseman laughs and whispers, 'tis near Halloween When the decorations of Hallow's End light up Azeroth's cities, you know there's mischief afoot! Seek around the inns and get your hands on treats! Aid a sick orphan in a little trick-or-tre...


Approaching the Second Era.

Hello Citizens of Dalaran, A few months ago we gave you some strokes of information about the upcoming Second Era of Progression. We also gave you the opportunity to fill a survey in order to see your opinions about us performing a possible "Raid and PvP Soft reset", emulating once again a Fresh WoTLK prog...


Brewfest is here!

Ale y'all! Hop in the drum of celebration!Prepare yourselves for a few crazy days of being surrounded by pink elephants, wolpertingers and the delicious smell of sausage in the air around Durotar and Dun Morogh, enriched by the aroma of the most exquisite beers from all corners of Azeroth. Ogres, Tr...


Future plans and Game Masters recruitment.

Hello community, We would like to share some interesting news with you. We are preparing a detailed informative post about the upcoming Second Era of Progression, it will be announced shortly. As explained through previous news, we believe we have found a really nice middle ground that will please the...


Double experience and RAF perks extended.

Hello Citizens of Dalaran, As we have received many suggestions and requests to extend our Anniversary's perks, we are happy to announce that you can continue enjoying the x2 experience and Refer a Friend perks until the 10th of September. Enjoy it! ...


The PvE Tournament has begun!

Hello there! The Legendary PvE Tournament has begun already! We are really excited and happy to see so many players interested in, remember that you and your group are still on time to register for this Tournament. The raids can be done in any order you prefer, all in the same ID or keep repeating th...


6th Anniversary: Gifts, double XP and RAF until level 80.

Hello Community! We just achieved a beautiful milestone: our 6th Anniversary! 6 years ago we couldn't imagine we'd be pioneers. We couldn't imagine either that so many people wanted to progress through every tier instead of constantly jumping directly into Icecrown Citadel. As players, we had a dream ab...


PvE Tournament: Guidelines and Rewards.

Hello Citizens of Dalaran, We are glad to announce that we will be hosting our PvE Tournament from the 9th to the 30th of August. You will have 3 weeks to complete all the challenges we propose. This tournament will require to perform different tasks through every WoTLK Tier starting from the Tier 7. It...
