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Brewfest is here!

Ale y'all! Hop in the drum of celebration!Prepare yourselves for a few crazy days of being surrounded by pink elephants, wolpertingers and the delicious smell of sausage in the air around Durotar and Dun Morogh, enriched by the aroma of the most exquisite beers from all corners of Azeroth. Ogres, Tr...


Naxxramas: 17th of September.

Hello citizens of dalaran, There is a menace in the skies of Dragonblight, the Scourge necropolis of the Arch Lich Kel'Thuzad. When its doors open on the 17th at 18:00, do not be scared by the screams coming from Thaddius; they are just trying to intimidate you. You will find yourself inside a buildi...


Release dates, character unlock and optional x3 rate.

Hello Citizens of Dalaran, First of all, congratulations to every realm first! Good job! With this announcement, we want to tackle a few things that we had prepared for this stage for the Dalaran - Era I realm. Now that the race, class and profession realm first are obtained you can find the following ...


Realm first achievements and a bit more.

Hello everyone! Back in the day, we thought appropriate not only to make a forum post and a dedicated place for them on our media section, but also to post some nice and fun pictures of every single race, class and profession realm first. We think this needs to be preserved! So, to every player who ach...


Poll and feedback conclusions.

Hello Citizens of Dalaran, Here you can see the results from the two polls that we announced last week. These polls were made with the purpose to help us decide based on the thoughts from some players, altogether with the feedback we have been receiving. This was planned to be posted yesterday, but we e...


Dalaran - Era I, our new realm is open.

Dalaran, the magical kingdom of WotLK is up in the skies. This hub of magical knowledge and experimentation from the past was founded by people who left the restraining confines and became its citizens, collectively they built up the community under the protection of the magic-using defenders of the city a...


Few extra details about the new realm.

Hello community, Dalaran: our new realm's launch is going to be on the 19th of August at 18:00 GMT+2 (or Algalon's Server Time). This being said, we wanted to clarify a few things regarding some questions we have been receiving. General information Recruit a friend feature's extra experience will...


Polls: Gold and rate related opinions.

Hello Citizens of Dalaran, The Dalaran realm will be x1 rates, but we understand that many players would also like to have the option to level x3. In the beginning, it will be only x1. However, we are considering enabling the x3 after some time. We will publish the results of this poll on August 22. ...


New Dalaran realm: character snapshot and restrictions

Hello Citizens of Dalaran, We are going to specify here the restrictions that will be applied to the Algalon characters in the new realm. Remember that, your Algalon characters will be intact and these restrictions have been thoroughly thought to be as fair as possible when adapting your old characters ...
