Ulduar Video Contest
Hello thereWe are going to propose a Ulduar video conquest. Let\'s show to the rest of the WotLK community what we have inside our Ulduar doors!We are really proud of the quality of our end-game content, we were the first private server with Naxxramas and Obsidian Sanctum fully scripted, but Ulduar ...
MoreIncoming Improvements and Information
Greetings.As you are probably aware, Lothloryen started fixing and improving class abilities and PvP in general terms and we wanted to you give a heads up about what is going on and how we can help eachother in server restart).If you want to report a class bug or glitched mechanic, please do it thro...
MoreSecrets of Ulduar: Opening
For millennia, Ulduar has remained undisturbed by mortals, far away from their concerns and their struggles. Yet since its recent discovery, many have wondered what the structure's original purpose may have been. Some thought it a city, built to herald the glory of its makers; some thought it a ...
MoreBrewfest 2014!
Welcome to the Brewfest!We are happy to announce that this amusing event is working and that all achievements are obtainable.Prepare yourselves for a few crazy days of being surrounded by pink elephants, wolpertingers and the delicious smell of sausage in the air around Durotar and Dun Morogh, enric...
MoreSecrets of Ulduar release date: September 26th.
Hello Community,After such hard work, the Ulduar release date has been decided: it will be released on September 26th. The arena season will end during the September 25th.I have to say, I am insanely thankfull to all those beta testers who have spent hours testing every single mode in Ulduar - like mentioned ...
MoreMeet Khestar, a new developer in our ranks.
Hello Citizens of Dalaran,As you probably already know, I have so far been the only developer of Dalaran-WoW since the project started. This path of solitude granted me concentration, made me focus all my senses on this work and pour my lifeblood into it.I feel Dalaran-WoW as my child, made with all the love,...
MoreUlduar Beta has finished.
Greetings,Our Ulduar Beta testing has finished and now we are pretty much polishing the last details, in order to have it as perfected as possible before the official release.There were some things that we, as a small group of testers, could not notice without having a full group of members in actio...
MoreUlduar pre-nerf Beta Test: Friday 29th, 18:00 ST.
Hello there Community,We have sent all the Beta Test invitations already and as you all probably know, we are finishing the last details for it. The Beta test will start the next friday 29th, at 18:00 Server Time.Every invited player and guild, must have his character prepared during this wednesday 27th, beca...
MoreDalaran-WoW schedule, tasks and general information.
Hello there Citizens of Dalaran,We just wanted to give a small heads up and notify to the community about our intentions and development schedule, as well as other general information.As you probably already know, we are a small team and we have been for quite a while focusing on Ulduar and in some smal...